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[E] Quiet50ul
[E] Quiet50ul
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over 8 years ago
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over 2 years ago
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Q: How will this affect other Minetown servers? A: For the most part, it won’t. Servers such as Skyblock, Creative, and UHC will see improvements and updates, but will not be reset or anything like that. However, this reset announcement is attached to some Vanilla news: i think i had my armor / gear from skyblock in either or both the enderchest , /backpack my enderchest is empty and i assume /backpack for removed mod wise? i can't use that command. is this a bug issue or did i lose my stuff in the backpack due to the main map getting reset?
over 2 years ago
win10 minecraft beta not supported? or just the stable release's i'm getting a outdated geyser proxy! i'm still on 1.16.210. and is linking "mandatory"? and once microsoft finishe's their thing would we have to go through an unlinking process?
over 3 years ago
ok so after 5 months of asking atrex10 to remove my name from his as "Quiet's helper" he has put it back on yet again. Name History (4) (Next Name) 10/28/2017 @ 1:32:48 PM QuietsIsBack 9/28/2017 @ 1:32:48 PM WootleDoop 8/24/2017 @ 9:40:40 PM QuietsHelper 3/19/2017 @ 10:28:56 PM Atrex10 i am officially asking for a ban due to harassment. i don't know where this obsession came from. but you guys need to step in and help stop this,
over 7 years ago
i might be wrong but i think a mod will have to re-add you to your previous claims. (not sure) the spectator thing might have been you connected with the wrong game version (1.12.1 is the current) /claimslist should show you some of your home's coords ( if you didn't come on and save all your homes coords prior to the 1.12 update ) disregard if non of this is helpful.
over 7 years ago
so i ran across this wolf mod and the question is if it was updated to the current server version would it work on our server? its so cool. About Sophisticated Wolves
over 7 years ago